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Ghosts vs Spirit

You’ve all heard about ghost hunting and spirits, but, how many of you think they’re the same of thing? And whats the difference between gost hunters and mediums? Is there a difference? What is a ghost and are they spooky!?

Historically or traditionally ghosts are spooky, the kind of thing that goes bump in the night, more linked to buildings and times gone past. Ghosts are often thought this way as they’re more commonly seen, you’ve all heard stories of headless horsemen, a figure wandering in the road, a figure at a castle or stately home window and more but how and why?

Ghosts are what you call residual energy or leftover energy and they replay and replay. Theres a legion of roman soldiers often seen marching in York, UK but only seen from the knees or mid thigh up, this happens as the residual energy connects to the original road so the energy or ‘ghosts’ don’t connect to the new roads. This is why you see reports of ghosts walking through walls too, as the original path wouldnt have included the walls.

Ghost hunting or paranormal activity is often thought of as a frightening or negative experience, the ‘dark side’ hence why ouija boards are linked to the negative or ‘dark side’. Fear heightens the senses and you’ll feel fear creep up, it can make your pulse race, heart beat faster and an adrenalin rush. A lot is built up for tv when you see it on tv, for sensationalism, the ratings.

Ghosts or residual energy is ususally from centuries ago. Haunted houses can over time have some gruesome horror stories linked as through time bits get added.

Spirits are connected to loved ones and can be validated by loved ones. You might hear a medium go back one or two generations to a grandmother/grandfather, maybe a great grandmother/grandfather. A medium connects to the spirit of a person living or passed. Spirit connections are usually connected to the religion of spiritualism, though it doesnt have to be. Mediumship is usually connected to the positive, as guidance, messages are given to help with healing and life.

It is a different mindset when working with ghosts and spirit, the theory is ghosts come out at night or in dark areas/buildings, spirit can come out typically during day hours or in the ‘light’ and you hear the phrase ‘into the light’.

Ghost hunting or paranormal investigations tends to feed a fear and mediumship gives guidance in a positive way (or should)

So ghost hunters or paranormal investigators use equipment like EMF detectors, full spectrum cameras etc picking up the history of the ghosts, which some people argue can be found on the internet, in books, folklore and stories. Mediums use their psychic senses or inner senses like the clairs. They pass over evidence of a loved one like possibly character, hobbies, illness, shared memories which would be the physical evidence of the spirit person then the guidance comes from the purity of the spirit, which is why connecting to the spirit side is seen as a purer positive form of connection.

When ghost hunting and you hear the thuds, sounds, taps it could be a mix of the residual energy and the fear based energy causing a psychic reaction. As senses are heightened so is the fear.

Mediumship is usually connected to the calming, peaceful energy.

So that’s my explanation if your view differs do comment :-)