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Start your day right…shine your light!

Wouldn’t it be amazing to begin each day feeling ready to face anything that comes your way? Well here are a few tips that aim to give you a boost and move you in the right direction…

1-Each day is a chance to reset

Our days all have commitments and priorities. Expanding your perspective of where your priorities lie makes a big difference to enjoying your day.

Give yourself two or three moments when you wake, to map your day between your ‘need to do’ and ‘want to do’. Face each one with enthusiasm and vigour and GO FOR IT!

2-Kickstart your day

Ten minutes power walking or exercises/stretching every day makes a big difference on your energy levels and mindset.

Even ten minutes dancing raises your energy and can be done on those days when it’s raining and you don’t really want to go out.

3-Kindness is a superpower

Kindness has been scientifically shown to reduce stress, depression and anxieties by performing just one act a day as kindness gives you that sense of gratitude and is shared.

By making a commitment each morning to performing a random act of kindness boosts your energy and gives you a spiritual buzz

4-Switch it up

While having breakfast do you watch the news, scroll your social media? How does it make you feel..full of doom and gloom? Try changing your morning ritual by listening to music, chatting about the days plans. Switching it up can give your mind a bit of a break from routine and stimulates you.

5-You got this!

The quickest and easiest way to turn a negative feeling into a positive one is to play your favourite song a little louder than usual and swing your hips maybe bust a few dance moves!

Alternatively try the ‘superman pose’ legs hip distance apart, hands on hips, shoulders back and tilt your head a little so you are looking up. Standing in this pose for two minutes has been shown to increase the confidence hormone testosterone and decrease cortisol which is the stress hormone.

6-Tick it of the list

Filling your day with deadlines can be overwhelming and a cause of stress and pressure. So focussing on the next task and continue until it’s finished or you can’t do no more, then move onto the next.

You will actually surprise and amaze yourself at how much you have got through.

7-Bin your rubbish

Life is about focus, focus on the positives and bin the negatives.

Focussing on positives you will gain more, focussing on negatives then that’s all you will get or see!

Get the rubbish out!

Incorporating some of these tips into your day should help you boost your energy, confidence and help you keep you focus on the positives in your day. Including them into your daily routine help shift your energy, focus and gain productivity in your day and life.

Please feel free to comment with your thoughts and share any tips you’ve found which help you!

Sharing is caring and is also a random act of kindness! Enjoy your day!