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What is love…?

You must be shapeless, formless, like water.When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow and it can crash. Become like water my friend - Bruce Lee

I’ve always loved this philosophy from Bruce Lee, and thinking about his quote a few years ago i was inspired to put pen to paper…

Love pours out or it can dry up, it can shape, mould and define us. How many times through our lives do we change things when we feel we’re stagnating? It can be something we love doing, people we love the company of or relationships.

Love flows peacefully along when life has no upsets, negativities or challenges.

Water is the same, it can become stale or stagnant and what do we do then? Some people add more water to refresh or add a bit more body or life to it, some people change the water completely, not giving the stale or stagnant a chance to revive.

Water flows down a river or ocean when the weathers calm or the sun is shining and everything is peaceful and tranquil.

When the weather changes and theres a storm or rocks in a river, water crashes, bangs and is rough through a storm. Fishermen out on boats pray for the storm to end and they make it through it.

Love is the same, theres hard times and experiences we all go through that can challenge us and try to break us, we do the same as fishermen, we pray and hope to get through those times.

We may be a bit bashed and bruised but we get through it and we learn from that experience.

Love should be unconditional and always there, maybe not always to see it but we hear it in words someone says or actions which are shown.

Just like love, water is always there, whether you know it or not walk along any street in any town and your only feet sometimes inches away from water

Sometimes we are surprised by where or how we are shown love, a smile or a selfless act someone does for you and you feel a glimmer of something but you can’t put a finger on it.

How many of us have gone through times when we felt totally alone, abandoned and feeling empty, devoid of any feelings of love. Wondering when or if it will come along again, it’s like being in a desert with no signs of water.

When the conditions are right, we get further through the hard times until we realise we’ve come out the other side. We see love has always been there

So where is love?

it’s always there, unseen, unheard at times but always in the background.